Portugal triumphs at Euro 2016

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Ray Barnes
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Portugal triumphs at Euro 2016

Post by Ray Barnes »

Well how about that. The team captain goes down to injury 25 minutes into the game, France barely misses scoring in the final moments of regulation time, hitting the inside of the goal post, and then Portugal scores in extra time on a brilliant goal, beating France in Paris. This was reality television at its very best; there is nothing like the high drama of athletic competition.

Congratulations on a well deserved, hard earned victory under circumstances that may never be repeated. :thumbsup:
Last edited by Ray Barnes on Mon Jul 11, 2016 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Eric Ifune
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Re: Portugal triumphs at Euro 2016

Post by Eric Ifune »

Yes, congratulations!
Christian Gollnick
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Re: Portugal triumphs at Euro 2016

Post by Christian Gollnick »

If you don't know Portugal, it's difficult to understand what this victory means to Portugal.
The passion for football is so deeply rooted into the people... I can not think of any sport in the USA that would be able to achieve the same emotional turmoil for the American nation as football does for the Portuguese. Forget basketball or baseball. Even Super-Bowl can't touch it. Maybe you can compare the moon-landing to this victory.
I found out on Monday that a large Portuguese bank had no foreign-exchange department operational... none of their fx-dealers came to work... I just love this.
Another great outcome is that the drama around Ronaldo and then his child-like enthusiasm has changed the perception that many people on this planet had about him. Yes, he is cocky - but morally classes better than most of the other football-stars, doing great things for charity and never shying away from helping people in need. Much nicer than his tax-evading colleagues... That such a superstar can jump up like a little kid shows how important this match is/was for the Portuguese...

:thanks: :thumbsup: [friends.gif]
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