Basic Troubleshooting

This forum is for providing feedback on the Website.

Moderators: Glenn E., Roy Hersh, Andy Velebil


Basic Troubleshooting

Post by Guest »

If you have been experiencing problems with logging in, replying to posts, or creating new posts, please read do the following:

1. Clear your cookies by following the directions in the Technical FAQs thread in this forum. **NOTE - New info added if you only want to delete ftlop cookies.

2. Clear your cache by following the directions in the Technical FAQs in thread in this forum.

3. Log out of the entire fltop site, and log back in.

If you are still experiencing problems after doing those three things, please email and explain in detail the problem that you are experieincing. The more detail you can provide, the faster we can trouble-shoot on the back end.

If you have emailed me prior to reading this post and your issue isn't resolved, please try the above and re-email me. Most people's issues have been solved with the three steps above, but please let me know if yours hasn't.

Updated URL

Post by Guest »

If you are linking directly to the Forum, make sure you are using the following URL: <-- NO www in front.

If you are going to, you will likely experience cookie problems.

Update your bookmarks / favorites appropriately!
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Roy Hersh
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Post by Roy Hersh »

Clearing Cookies

Many issues, such as problem logging in, can be fixed by clearning your computer's cookies. In fact, that is the first thing you should always do when you are troubleshooting problems.

**Note - we highly recommend that you clear all of your cookies, but in the event that you want to keep some of your existing cookies for other sites, please find the location of cookies on your computer and delete any that have "fortheloveofport" anywhere in the file name.

How to Clear Cookies
(Find your browser version below and follow the instructions)

Internet Explorer 6.x - Windows

1. Within IE, go to Tools | Internet Options.
2. Click Delete Cookies.
3. Click OK.

Internet Explorer 7.x - Windows

1. Within IE, go to Tools | Internet Options.
2. Click on the General tab and then click the Delete... button.
3. Click the Delete cookies button.
4. Click the Yes button.
5. Then click the Close button, followed by the OK button.

Internet Explorer - Mac

1. On a Classic OS machine, go to Edit | Preferences. On OS X go to Explorer | Preferences.
2. Expand the Receiving Files option on the left if it isn’t already.
3. Click Cookies.
4. In the box that displays all the cookies on the machine, click once to select one, and then press Command-A to select all.
5. Click Delete.
6. Click OK.

Netscape 7.x/Mozilla - Windows

1. Within Netscape, go to Tools | Cookie Manager | Manage Stored Cookies.
2. Click Remove All Cookies.

Netscape 7.x/Mozilla - Mac

1. Within Netscape, go to Tools | Cookie Manager | Manage Stored Cookies.
2. Click Remove All Cookies.
3. Click OK.

Firefox 1.5 - Windows

1. Open Firefox and go to Tools | Options.
2. Click Privacy.
3. View the "Cookies" tab and click the Clear Cookies Now (older versions of Firefox are very similar to these instructions).

Firefox 2.x - Windows

1. Open Firefox and go to Tools | Options.
2. Click Privacy.
3. Click the "Show Cookies" button and then click the Remove All Cookies button.

Firefox 1.5 - Mac

1. Open Firefox and go to Firefox | Preferences.
2. Click Privacy.
3. View the "Cookies" tab and click the Clear Cookies Now (older versions of Firefox are very similar to these instructions).

Firefox 2.x - Mac

1. Open Firefox and go to Firefox | Preferences.
2. Click Privacy.
3. Click the "Show Cookies" button and then click the Remove All Cookies button.

Safari 2.x

1. Open Safari and go to Safari | Preferences.
2. Click Security.
3. Click Show Cookies.
4. Click Remove All.

If your browser isn't listed here, I suggest a google search on "clearing cookie" and include your browser type or version in the search terms.
Ambition driven by passion, rather than money, is as strong an elixir as is Port.
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Roy Hersh
Site Admin
Posts: 21469
Joined: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:27 am
Location: Porto, PT

Post by Roy Hersh »

Clearning Your Cache

In addition to clearing your browser's cookies, you should also clear your browser's cache, which are temporary files your computer keeps when you visit many websites.

How to Clear Cache
(Find your browser version below and follow the instructions)

Internet Explorer 6.x - Windows

1. To clear the cache in Internet Explorer, select Tools-> and then Internet Options.
2. Click on the Delete Files button in the "Temporary Internet file" section of the window.
3. The "Delete Files" confirmation window is displayed. Click OK (Usually its not necessary to check "Delete offline content").

Internet Explorer 7.x - Windows

1. Select Tools-> and then Internet Options.
2. Click on the General tab and then the Delete... button.
3. Click the Delete files... button and then Yes on the Delete Files confirmation window.
4. Click the Close button and then the OK button.

Internet Explorer - Mac

1. Start Internet Explorer
2. Select Explorer->Preferences from the toolbar.
3. Select the Web Browser menu.
4. Select the Advanced menu.
5. Then on the right-side of the "Preferences" window in the Cache section, click on Empty Now.

Netscape/Mozilla - Windows

1. To clear the cache in Netscape, you need to select Edit | Preferences to display the "Preferences" window.
2. Click on the + in front of the "Advanced" menu.
3. Click once on Cache to display the cache options on the right-side of the "Preferences" window
4. Click on the Clear Cache button.
5. Click OK to close the "Preferences" window.

Netscape/Mozilla - Macintosh

1. Select Edit | Preferences.
2. Select Advanced.
3. Select Cache.
4. Then on the right-side of the "Preferences" window, click on the Clear Cache button.

Firefox 1.5 - Windows

1. Click on Tools | Options.
2. Click on the Privacy icon.
3. View the "Cache" tab and click on Clear Cache Now.

Firefox 2.x - Windows

1. Click on Tools | Options.
2. Click on the Privacy icon.
3. Click on Clear Now under the Private Data section.
4. Click on the OK button to return to browsing.

Firefox 1.5 - Mac

1. Click on Firefox | Preferences.
2. Click on the Privacy icon.
3. View the "Cache" tab and click on Clear Cache Now.

Firefox 2.x - Mac

1. Click on Firefox | Preferences.
2. Click on the Privacy icon.
3. Click on Clear Now under the Private Data section.
4. Click on the red close window button to return to browsing.

Safari 2.x - Mac

1. Click on Safari | Empty Cache.
2. A window will appear asking if you want to clear cache. Click on Empty.

If your browser isn't listed here, I suggest a google search on "clearing cache" and include your browser type or version in the search terms.
Ambition driven by passion, rather than money, is as strong an elixir as is Port.