This forum is for discussing all things Port (as in from PORTugal) - vintages, recommendations, tasting notes, etc.

Moderators: Glenn E., Roy Hersh, Andy Velebil

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Roy Hersh
Site Admin
Posts: 21469
Joined: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:27 am
Location: Porto, PT


Post by Roy Hersh »

Mission Statement of the FTLOP Forum: - updated 12/15/2020

As the leader in Collective Port Wisdom from around the globe, our Forum offers a friendly community to all of our participants, while providing the most diverse voice to those interested in sharing ideas about Port, Madeira and the non-fortified wines of Portugal with a strong emphasis on the Douro.



1. Real Names and locations must be used at all times when posting on the Forum.

2. Our site is for the discussion of Port, Madeira and the table wines of Portugal, specializing in the Alto Douro. Please use the “Other Discussion” Forum for any other wine talk or unrelated topics.

3. Civility towards fellow Forum users is a given. If you disagree with discussion point(s) in a specific post or thread, please discuss/correct/argue the ISSUE and do not attack or flame the poster. If you are merely “teasing or kidding around” make sure to show that by using an emoticon :D if it would not be apparent otherwise.

4. Originality & Links: No copying the materials of other individuals, or copyrighted materials without permission from the author.
As of January 28th 2017, it is now permissible to utilize links to other related websites or forums, as long as it is done respectfully and with purpose; not solely to promote another website.

5. Graphics must be your own work at all times, except with express permission of Roy, Andy or Glenn. The maximum size of the graphic(s) for an image should be no bigger than 350 pixels on the largest side (i.e. max 350 wide or max 350 tall, depending on orientation).

6. PMs (Privates Messages) or emails can be used for general communication between two individuals that may not be appropriate for a general audience.

7. Dispute resolution: In order to maintain the friendliest atmosphere possible on the :ftlop: Forum, if you disagree with another poster or administrative personnel, please contact them privately by PM or email to try to resolve these differences. Contentious discussions or outright arguments will not be permitted on our Forum and will be removed at the discretion of the administrators of the site.
The use of foul language or ongoing disruption to the flow and objectives of the community will be cause for the removal of all privileges on the site as deemed by the administrators.

8. Deletions or Edits: At the discretion of the administrators, they may choose to edit or delete a post or thread that does not adhere to the aforementioned guidelines. It is up to the discretion of the administrators what they deem to be appropriate behavior and within the best interests of FTLOP. Should a post or thread be moved, deleted or edited … the administrators will make every effort to communicate the reason for the change in the post/thread (or by PM/email). Use of foul language will not be tolerated whatsoever.

As instances of incivility are almost never a part of this community, we hope that you will enjoy sharing, learning and posting here and knowing that it is our goal to "administer" as little as possible. We are all here to have fun and enjoy each other's company whilst discussing the greatest beverages on earth! [friends.gif]

(orig. posting 7/2007 ... edited in 2010, 2015, 2017 and now in Dec. 2020)
Ambition driven by passion, rather than money, is as strong an elixir as is Port. http://www.fortheloveofport.com