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Beneficio 2018: 116 000 pipas

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:33 pm
by Christian Gollnick
The IVDP has announced the Beneficio for the year 2018: 116 000 pipas. After 6 years of rising numbers, this is now the first time since 2011 that the allowed port production will be lower than in the previous year. I am sure that most growers won't complain - this year is again not easy in the Douro Valley and the production in general might be quite low.

Re: Beneficio 2018: 116 000 pipas

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 1:51 pm
by Roy Hersh
When the draconian reduction of 2011 hit, from 110,000 pipes the prior year to 85,000 pipes ... resulting in riots at the Regua offices of the IVDP and rocks thrown by rowdy demonstrators, through IVDP windows; not to mention the ultimate dismissal of the IVDP President, the slow but incremental rise was a likely counter-measure; by a more judicious IVDP President and the minister of Ag. On the heels of 2015, 2016 and 2017 having solid Ports made, this year was destined to go down. As you mentioned, the weather in the first half of the year was mostly terrible and with extreme temps of 50 C., I am sure all sectors in the trade and Duriense are likely pleased to have a minor reduction.