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Event: Is it possible???

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:47 pm
by Roy Hersh
That no one has consumed a single bottle of Port in a week and a half? Not a single TN has been written. I am just trying to understand it. :devil: :cry:

Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:44 pm
by Bill Crann
My excuse is that lately I've just been glugging our house VP ('95 Roriz). I didn't want to bore anyone with repeat notes, but I will say that after drinking a case or so over the past few years I haven't had any off bottles. Consistently jammy with ripe tannins. Not profound but very very pleasant. Roriz doesn't make a huge amount of VP, but I think I might have acquired about 1% of the world stock of ''95 Roriz. Just couldn't help myself. I think I'll open an '83 Dow for Easter. I've been carrying it around for 22 years or so - first bottle of wine I ever "collected" - and I feel it's time.


Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:54 pm
by Alex K.
I like the name of this new Port that you've got but this TN is below par, Roy. I assume that you are still trying to ascertain the year by the "???" at the end. I remember a poster called "nobody", nice bloke from Singapore, on another site but "no one" I have not met yet.

I've been on your side of the pond.

Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 1:47 pm
by Roy Hersh
Well, when everyone responds to what Ports they will be drinking during the weekend and then just one TN, I am simply in awe. :roll:

Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:31 am
by Frederick Blais
:Naughty: I did post a quick impression on Vesuvio 2005... but yes not in the TN Forum.

I've been so busy lately, it is just crazy. It has not happened to me in months. I've even started 2 articles back in November that have not yet seen the end, in fact I have not touch them for at least 2 months :roll: :oops:

At least I have time to drink Port :D Got Vesuvio 03 last night with friends who I knew liked port but never had such a good bottle. They were blown away, some who did not want to drink acohol on Saint Friday did take 4 glasses :mrgreen:

Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 5:38 pm
by Ted D
Been traveling and away from the cellar (for much too long I'll add).
But a few white burgs and Barolos came with me.
Don't like to decant Port and leave it in the hotel room while housekeeping comes by!

Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:25 pm
by Todd Pettinger
Roy Hersh wrote:That no one has consumed a single bottle of Port in a week and a half? Not a single TN has been written. I am just trying to understand it. :devil: :cry:
Oh it certainly is not - at least not possible for me! 8--) :twisted: :evil:

I have a few TNs that I have been working at translating from paper (or head) to computer, but have been pretty busy and drinking the Port has come at a cost (of time - which I just don't seem to have enough of lately!)

The TNs are coming! The TNs are coming!

Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:21 pm
by Bob bman
I just posted TNs on three 1983 Symington ports and cannot figure out how I can be the first to post on these ports.

Odds are that my technologically- challenged brain just can't search properly.... :lol:

Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 7:30 pm
by Andy Velebil

There are other notes, but there is still some minor adjustments that need to be made to the search function after the recent forum software upgrade. Please bear with us a little longer and sorry for the inconvenience.

Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:16 am
by Roy Hersh
I am with Bob. I can't wait until it is fixed. We thought it was, but clearly I am not the only one having problems. I wish we had one more computer geek here who could help Stewart out with issues like this. He has his hands tied up with so many "new website" development issues and putting out the newsletter. Any volunteers who have solid computer programming skills that can do these types of projects?

Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:02 pm
by Andy Velebil
Sadly, my Port drinking has been suffering the past couple of weeks. With a major stage race later this week, I've shunned almost all alcohol in my run-up prep for the race. After this weekend is over, I get to splurge a bit :mrgreen: so some TN's will of course follow.

Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 11:29 pm
by Todd Pettinger
While I am a computer geek and can attest to spending many hours scouring this website (I also am having search challenges since the upgrade to the site, but know that it is known and being worked on) I suspect that the search feature involves heavy database and/or query coding, at which I know almost NOTHING about. If you were having issues with the server the Forum was being hosted on (OS or hardware), I'd be your huckleberry... but sadly, the ways of the programmer/coder are foreign to me. :oops: :shock:


Re: Is it possible???

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:12 am
by Roy Hersh
I think it is now apparent what Stewart has been eyeball deep in ... since the launch of the upgraded Forum took place. Now that the website is launched, there are a few immediate fixes needed, but most are small. Shortly thereafter, the Forum search tool is Stewart's #1 priority. So I appreciate everyone's patience. We will get this done. In the mean time, don't let the busted Search feature here, prevent you from posting your TNs. I know many of you that have dozens written in your notebooks that just need to make the time to post them here. Oh yeah, even before this gets fixed ... OUR top priority to get up and running is the new User Tasting Note Forum ... the content of which, will come from here.
