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Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 12:26 pm
by Jeffrey Karp
A very "uncouth" question I know, but a relevant question nonetheless. At times, I find myself stealing a sip or (gasp!)a gulp directly from the bottle or directly from the decanter. It cracks my family up when i do it as it may seem somewhat contradictory to the Port experience I suspect. I've been told I look like a high-brow wine-o (i.e. swilling Fonseca or Talyor's). Sometimes, I just want to have a taste without all of the pomp and ceromony of a port glass, etc. What say you?

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:48 pm
by Andy Velebil
I move this to the Port Forum, as this is Port related and belongs here. Plus it's a darn good question.

I must admit, YES I do on ocassion. Typically its when there is left overs in the fridge the next day and I only want a little splash, I'll do the quick small sip from the bottle. Very uncouth I know, but hey its my bottle :mrgreen:

I won't however serve that bottle to anyone else that comes over, a fresh bottle is opened instead. I'm not that uncouth!

I've also been known to swig a few down from the bottle with others from this know who you are, so no dodging this question :devil: :evil:

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 3:28 pm
by Derek T.
Andy Velebil wrote:I've also been known to swig a few down from the bottle with others from this know who you are, so no dodging this question :devil: :evil:

I have done this with Andy when in the Douro with lots of bottles and no glasses :roll: .

I also did it once in my youth following a very large amount of beer and managed to swig my way through a bottle of LBV. That was the worst hangover I ever had in my life.


Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 7:48 pm
by Andy Velebil
Derek T. wrote: I also did it once in my youth following a very large amount of beer and managed to swig my way through a bottle of LBV. That was the worst hangover I ever had in my life.

It was all that cheap beer that gave you the hangover :devil:

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 5:18 pm
by Derek T.
Andy Velebil wrote:
Derek T. wrote: I also did it once in my youth following a very large amount of beer and managed to swig my way through a bottle of LBV. That was the worst hangover I ever had in my life.

It was all that cheap beer that gave you the hangover :devil:
Actually, I think it was the cup of coffee I had at the end of the meal that done me in - I haven't mixed my drinks since :Naughty: :lol: :lol:

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 9:00 pm
by Andy Velebil
I see your a quick learner :lol:

Come on now folks, I know more of you have at one time or another taken a swig straight from the bottle. Do tell...I promise no one will ever know :devil: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 10:02 pm
by Roy Hersh
Yep, have played pass the bottle while in our vehicle in the Douro, but over the years I can think of a hip flask and bota bag while skiing, direct from bottle with both young and old Ports mostly joking around. I have even been known to take a swig from decanter when it is just my wife and me. I probably drink Madeira more straight from the bottle though, as crass as that sounds. Just an ounce or two at a time, sometimes while working late night on the newsletter or posting wine TNs etc. 99.8% of the time a glass is used though.

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:41 pm
by Kris Henderson
Never. Unless, it's just to get the last few drops out of the bottle...

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 1:41 pm
by Richard Henderson
I first tried port when I was in my 30's.

I drank some tequila and mesquel , the stuff with the worm in it ,in my youth, from the bottle. And there were those times I chased Southern Comfort with Spanada--- I was very young. And there was Dr. Pepper mixed with scotch--all things I can't believe I did and would not recommend.

Had I know about port during those days of immaturity and lack of judgment, I might have drunk it from the bottle.

I can proudly say I have NEVER drunk port from the bottle and I don't plan to! :salute:

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:41 pm
by Todd Pettinger
I have not - you can't prove it!! (Can you??) :oops:

Alright, I will admit - I have drank from both the bottle and the decanter. Laziness is the likely excuse - sometimes I just don't feel like walking all the way across the living room to retrieve my glass from the cabinet. MOST times this is because I am stealing a small sip just after decanting or for a 'taste test' along the way prior to the main drinking.

Like Andy though I would never dream of doing it if I was going to serve the port to anyone aside from myself.

And yes, swigging a Fonseca or Taylor VP straight from the bottle DOES give a funny visual... now if only I could afford some of that VP to swig direct from the bottle!!! ;)


Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:59 pm
by Marc J.
Never have done it.....and I don't plan on starting! I must say that the I've never really thought about swigging Port directly from the bottle and/or decanter. Apparently Andy is an old pro at it and few others in this forum have discarded the idea of using a glass as well. Call me a traditionalist but I enjoy swirling Port around in my glass, admiring the color & nose while I take small (albeit frequent) sips.

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 4:33 pm
by Andy Velebil

Like Todd, it really just comes down to being too darn lazy to fetch a glass for one small sip :evil: :help:

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:09 pm
by Marc J.
I know...I was just pulling your leg. I'm sure that one of thses days, late at night, I might not feel inclined to find a proper Port glass and I may just knock back a quick swig.

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2008 9:40 pm
by Eric Ifune
I hope no one has drunk directly from a tonged bottle!

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:19 pm
by Todd Pettinger
Eric Ifune wrote:I hope no one has drunk directly from a tonged bottle!
Not yet but after I get a set of tongs I am sure I will try this at least once for the helluvit! ;)

Hmm, sharp glass, maybe not such a great idea... :oops:

Re: Anyone here ever drink Port without a glass?

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 7:02 pm
by Paul_B
Well since it is confession time....

many years ago in the parking lot of a night club in Algarve, 3 of us downed a Sandeman Tawny in record time... :Naughty:

The last few drops of a bottle, when no one is around (specifically my wife) happens every now and again..if I ever get caught, my official answer will be the glasses are in the kitchen... too far from the bottles...

There... :oops: it is out in public domain forever...