Given this month's Feature Article on Madeira, Velhissima Verdelho to be specific, offering an outstanding new resource for consumers to gather more information and be able to learn about Madeira ... in addition to the two other great sites (Madeira Wine Guide & Mad About Madeira) I recently came across Vinho Madeira.

This outstanding website is the equivalent of the Port version of the IVDP website, for those that think more in terms of Port than Madeira. But I know we have loads of Madeira lovers here too and so they'll certainly be familiar with: Instituto do Vinho, do Bordado e do Artesanato da Madeira, I.P. or the Institute of Wine, Embroidery and Handicrafts of Madeira, the official sponsoring organization of this outstanding and easy to navigate new Vinho Madeira website. Enjoy the visit!

Vinho Madeira